Conferenze, Congressi e Seminari

Eventi educativi in un unico calendario. Conferenze, congressi, seminari, workshop. Nel calendario trovi soprattutto eventi nel campo della chirurgia plastica e della medicina estetica.

XIII. Kongres ČSCR & II. Kongres ČSRR

Zájem o chirurgii ruky trvale vzrůstá, zvyšuje se i zájem o další vzdělávání v chirurgii ruky. Objevují se nové léčebné postupy , na trhu jsou nové...

Harrachov, Repubblica Ceca 13.11.2015 - 14.11.2015

28. Jahrestagung der GÄCD

Die Zertifizierung der Tagung wird bei der Landesärztekammer Nordrhein-Westfalen beantragt.

Köln, Germania 22.10.2015 - 24.10.2015

IMTEC 2015

IMTEC 2015 taking place from 1-2 October 2015 at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore will play host to more than 100 regional and international...

Singapur, Singapore 01.10.2015 - 02.10.2015

2nd International Congress FELLOWS IN SCIENCE

2nd International Congress FELLOWS IN SCIENCE and 10th National Croatian Congress of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

Dubrovnik, Croazia 01.10.2015 - 04.10.2015

ISAPS Symposium & Cadaver Course

It is great honour to invite you to Prague for ISAPS Symposium and to Brno for Cadaver Course 2015, which is jointly organized and hosted by the...

Prague, Repubblica Ceca 27.09.2015 - 29.09.2015


The “XXXVI. NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PLASTIC SURGERY” will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from September 24 - 26 2015 at Corinthia Hotel Prague

Prague, Repubblica Ceca 24.09.2015 - 26.09.2015

53. Jahrestagung der ÖGPÄRC

International opinion leaders in aesthetic plastic surgery: We are proud to be able to announce Dr. Daniel C. Baker New York, Dr. Juris Bunkis Los...

Salzburg, Austria 17.09.2015 - 19.09.2015


Vi sono almeno due buone ragioni per partecipare al 64^ Congresso SICPRE che si terrà a Milano dal 16 al 19 Settembre, 2015.

Milano, Italia 16.09.2015 - 19.09.2015


The purpose of the meeting will be to provide the participants with a clear overview of the current concepts and insights in the specialty of...

Ghent, Belgio 04.09.2015 - 06.09.2015

18th IPRAS World Congress

The “18th IPRAS World Congress” will take place in Vienna, Austria, from July 6-10 2015 at HOFBURG Palace.

Vienna, Austria 06.07.2015 - 10.07.2015

I Konferencja "Zdrowie Intymne Kobiet"

Wydarzenie w całości skierowane do pań, dające możliwość dowiedzenia się wielu ciekawych rzeczy na temat swojego ciała, pozwalające otworzyć się na...

Warszawa, Polonia 20.06.2015 - 21.06.2015

Congrès SAMCEP

Congrès SAMCEP Hôtel Royal Riviera Saint Jean Cap Ferrat 19 & 20 JUIN 2015

Francia 19.06.2015 - 20.06.2015

2. kongres estetické a laserové medicíny

Druhý ročník kongresu by měl dát odpověď na nejzajímavější otázky, které nás dnes pálí. Jak je to opravdu s kmenovými buňkami a krevními deriváty?...

Prague, Repubblica Ceca 05.06.2015

Facial Ageing Contour Enhancement

During the two days prior to the FACE masterclass and Sculpture Course for Surgeons will be held in the Atelier of the famous Italian sculptor...

Italia 29.05.2015 - 31.05.2015

XV. Frühjahrsakademie der VDÄPC 2015

Die XV. Frühjahrsakademie wird von der VDÄPC in Zusammenarbeit mit der DGÄPC sowie der SGPRAC veranstaltet und findet von 21.-23 Mai 2015 im...

Hannover, Germania 21.05.2015 - 23.05.2015

12ème Congrès de l'AMME

Le 12 ème Congrès de l'AMME se déroule du 7 au 9 mai 2015 dans le cadre paradisiaque du Palais des Congrès d'Arcachon.

Francia 07.05.2015 - 09.05.2015


The Plastic Surgery Congress 2015 (PSC 2015) Scientific Committee invite the submission of abstracts to be considered for inclusion in the ...

Brisbane, Australia 06.05.2015 - 10.05.2015

45º Congreso Argentino de Cirugía Plástica


Salta, Argentina 14.04.2015 - 17.04.2015

IMCAS China 2015

On behalf of the IMCAS China 2015 Scientific Board and from all the IMCAS Team, we are very pleased to announce and welcome you to the 3rd Edition...

China 10.04.2015 - 12.04.2015

13th AMWC 2015

13th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress & Medispa 26 - 27 - 28 - March, 2015

Monaco, Monaco 26.03.2015 - 28.03.2015

1st Breast Day

Operative Verfahren in der Senologie Brusterhaltende Therapie unter onkoplastischen Aspekten Sentinellymphknoten und Axilladissektion ...

München, Germania 07.03.2015

IMCAS World Congress 2015

2015 will be celebrating IMCAS 17-year creation and its world congress in the dazzling city of Paris.

Paris, Francia 29.01.2015 - 01.02.2015

5th Bozner Symposium of Plastic Surgery

Dal 9 al 11 gennaio 2015 avrá luogo il Bozner Symposium of Plastic Surgery per la quinta volta a Bolzano (Sudtirolo / Italia) nel Hotel Eberle.

Italia 09.01.2015 - 11.01.2015