Prof. Pietro Palma MD, FACS
Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia di Testa e Collo, MilanoChiedi al medico Altre recensioni
Trauma with a broken nose when I was 5 years old.
Rhinoseptoplasty + FESS in my 64.
Why not before?
I never met an otolaryngologist I could trully trust to and whose speciality was just a nose surgery.
Why now?
My daughter decided to do a rhinoseptoplasty last year. After detailed research in Croatia and abroad her choice was Prof. P. Palma. She was completely satisfied with the functionally and aestetic results of the surgery. It was exactly as it was on the simulation, a natural nose that fits the face perfectly. It was not painfull at all.
The only thing she regret is that she didn't do it before.
After my daughter's experience and personal contact with Prof. Palma I decided to do a rhinoseptoplasty and a FESS.
Did it make a sense to do it?
Functionally and medically justified – absolutelly yes.
Aestetical – in the thirties it is much more important than in the sixties, but even in sixties, I can't say it's irrelevant, as Prof. Palma said to me: you have 64, not 84.
What to say about Prof. P. Palma and his team based on my and my daughter's experience?
Humanity, kindness, great organisation and professionalism.
Sin dall’adolescenza ho avuto un rapporto molto complicato con il mio naso: non mi piaceva e non funzionava neanche bene, così, un po’ per paura - sono una cantante professionista, una sportiva agonista e una lavoratrice... Di più
Sono stata seguita fin dall’inizio con tutta la gentilezza e la professionalità di questo mondo dal Professor Palma e dal suo staff, mi sono sentita coccolata e importante, concludendo il percorso con un risultato oltre ... Di più
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