Dott. Gianluca Campiglio
Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, MilanoChiedi al medico Altre recensioni
I've come onto this site specifically to recommend Dr. Campiglio. I'd gone to see him last year about a breast augmentation (I'd also had consultation with two other surgeons) and was highly impressed with his expertise and professionalism. Whereas the other surgeons had recommended as procedure dual plane / underneath muscle and periareolar (areola, around the nipple) / transaxillary (armpit) incision, respectively - Dr. Campiglio's assessment was that an inframammary incision (underneath the breath fold) and placing the implants above the muscle would work best in my case. The results speak for themselves. My breasts look so natural that even I tend to forget I've had surgery. I went on a beach holiday 3 months after surgery and I can hand on heart say that no one noticed and I felt entirely comfortable. The scars have healed very well and can't be noticed with my swimwear on. I had my operation in Villa Letizia, Milan, and thought the clinic was elegant, well-kept, clean and discreetly located. I was discharged in the evening on the same day and the pain eased within a couple of days. The team of anesthetists and nurses who assisted Dr. Campiglio were friendly and professional also. I feel really lucky to have come across Dr. Campiglio as he is as competent and conscientious as you'd want your plastic surgeon to be. I'd recommend him wholeheartedly.
Now it's corrected! Thanks Jana
Hi there, I'd emailed you 3 weeks ago to say the title that yo have used for my review "My breast look so natural" is grammatically incorrect. I asked that it's corrected to read "My breasts look so natural" but I see it still hasn't been done.
Ieri ho fatto la visita di controllo dal Dottor Campiglio, sono felicissima, ormai sono passati 23 giorni e dico a tutte, rifarei tranquillamente tutto. Sono stata veramente seguita dall'inizio, il Dottor Campiglio ti f... Di più
Sono sempre stata a disagio col mio seno, piccolo e tuberoso, che dopo un lungo allattamento ha lasciato spazio a un vero disastro. Cercare un chirurgo plastico serio non è stato facile, ho letto svariati siti, forum, ... Di più
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