Permanent lifting threads (Elasticum)

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Permanent lifting threads (Elasticum)

Mark1968  |  Visitatore  |  Krasnodarskiy kray
  • 1 risposte
Hello doctors,
I would like to ask your opinion, but only based on your experience, on permanent lifting threads for a face lifting. It seems that it's a natural and long lasting result (of several years).
My personal case is of a Mac's lifting which after two years has lost its effect! Obviously a bed surgeon and a bad job. I will not go through another lifting surgery for at least five years, therefore I'm thinking of a light alternative that can last few years. I am a male of 49 years old
Jana  |  Moderatore
  • 1503 risposte
Dear Mark,
have you tried to contact directly doctor(s) in your zone? I believe that in your case it's very important to go for a personal consultation. Doctors will definitely find the best solution for you once that get to see you.

If you let me know where do you live I can try to help you to look up the right doctor for you.

With best regards

Mark1968  |  Visitatore  |  Krasnodarskiy kray
  • 1 risposte
Jana, thanks for your mail.
I find convenient to do the surgery either in Prague or Istanbul. Should you get in contact any surgeon, please note that I'm interested in permanent threads.

Risposta a Mark1968

Jana  |  Moderatore
  • 1503 risposte
Prague is my home town! :) We do have plenty of good surgeons in here, why don't you have a look in our website?

And here you can find the doctors in Istanbul:

Please let me know if you managed to get in contact with anybody.

With best regards

Dott. Francesco Alia  |  Basic member  |  Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica  |  Milano, Cagliari
  • 243 risposte
  • 173 Mi piace
Dear Mark, the outcome of a facelift, as for many cosmetic procedures, is not perfectly predictable. The Macs lift technique (like any lifting operation) is not a miracle, especially in men where results are always less impressive than in women. The results of lifting threads are even less effective because there is no undermining and no traction on deep structures such as the smas (the fascia under the skin) but only skin tightening. This happens with permanent threads as well as with absorbable ones. Therefore, you can undergo a tread procedure to improve your result but don't expect a dramatic change unless you consider a much more invasive procedure such as the high smas or any smas extensive undermining that undoubtedly is going to cost you much more than a Macs lift or a thread procedure. Sincerely Francesco Alia MD Specialista in Chirurgia Plastica Via Copernico 47 20125 Milano Tel. XXXXXXXXXXX Facebook: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
marck1968  |  Visitatore  |  Krasnodarskiy kray
  • 1 risposte
Grazie per la sua risposta Dottore, ma un macs lifting con blefaro e lifting del sopracciglio non credo che dovrebbero dare dopo solo un anno palpebra cadente, zigomi scesi; non posso accettare di sentirmi a dire che il macs non fa miracoli.

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