Prof. Carlo Grassi
Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, Firenze, Roma, Milano, Montecatini Terme, LuccaChiedi al medico Altre recensioni
I underwent rhinoseptoplasy (nose job) almost 6 months ago.
Prof. Carlo Grassi is a very competent and reliable Clinician.
Most importantly, he is able to deliver a remarkable final outcome, which matches with the one shown in the pre-surgical computer simulation.
Based on my own choice, I expected to undergo my surgery under local anaesthesia, along with a mild conscious sedation.
I had the possibility to communicate with Prof. Grassi through the entire treatment and I had never felt any kind of discomfort, both during and after the surgical treatment.
Certainly, the option of treatment provided under general anaesthesia is always available, BUT it should be really taken in consideration the fact that Prof. Grassi is able to provide such treatment under local anaesthesia; I find it important to be clarified, especially for those like me who categorically refuse the treatment under general anaesthesia.
During the post-treatment period, I have been able to be in touch with Prof. Grassi, who has always shown a vivacious interest in my post-treatment recovery.
Regarding the Medico-Legal aspect, everything was meticulously discussed and put in writing (Plastic Surgery Consent Form), without receiving any “unpleasant surprise” after the surgical treatment.
There are not hidden costs: “Prof. Grassi clarified it since the onset of the pre-surgical consultation and the price discussed is the one effectively applied”.
I think that my review on Prof. Grassi has some sort of “extra-importance”, as I’m a Clinician as well, often involved in treatments who require multidisciplinary approach with Plastic Surgeons as well.
I would unreservedly recommend Prof. Grassi to anyone keen to undergo such surgery under safe and competent hands.
Parto col dire che la mia storia non è diversa o più speciale rispetto a qualsiasi altra storia di chirurgia ricostruttiva. Dalle favole alle biografie, le storie possono acquisire significati terrificanti, incoraggiant... Di più
Ho effettuato una rinoplastica oggi a Milano con il Professor Grassi! Un’ottima persona alla mano di cuore professionale e molto simpatico. L’intervento è avvenuto in anestesia locale senza tamponi. A parte il panico tot... Di più
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