Dott. Guglielmo L. U.A. RUFOLO MD, MRM, FMH
Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, Parma, MilanoChiedi al medico Altre recensioni
Dear friends, I'm am happy to share my experience with you. My name is Johanna from UK.i even got 2 years ago a Tummy tuck Surgery. Recently, i've been object of breast cancer discovered, on 2015 at the stage 1. To anticipate, First surgery i had, which was the partial - mastectomy, has been performed in St.thomas Hospital of London. I was so happy after take off this bad injury, but the aesthetic result wasn't so good like i expected. Maintenance ideas was, searching for a Reconstructive surgeon, so a reference from UK about finding a italian doctor in Sweden, which is really famous specialist plastic surgeon - microsurgeon, most indicated on the breast surgery reconstruction and see which aesthetic hopefully i can receive, at the end. Well, i had the honor meeting Dr. Rufolo, that gave me an esthetic reconstructive surgery correction - a surgical operation ( flap TDAP) into the private clinic, who was very kind and gentle, giving to me amazing approach for a very good hopefully and happiness, since i couldn' be a good candidate for breast implants . I just mention to say thankful ! Thanks anyone have listed to me . Best wishes Doctor !
Hi Johanna, my duty to help you and give best of myself. I thank you of so much kindlness!
Warm Regards,
Doctor Rufolo
Buongiorno! L´anno scorso ho dovuto fare una mastectomia a causa di un tumore al seno destro. Adesso dopo aver terminato la chemioterapia e la radioterapia voglio fare la ricostruzione del seno. Sono seguita dal primario... Di più
Tutta la mia gratitudine va al dottor Andrea La Padula che da una situazione molto complicata (quadrantectomia seno dx con retrazione della cute e adeguamento seno sn) ha compiuto un miracolo. ora ho un seno da adolescen... Di più
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