EASAPS Biennial Meeting Facial Rejuvenation 1st ISAPS Resident and Fellow Congress
Chirurgia plastica
17.10.2019 - 19.10.2019
CONGRESS CENTRE OUD SINT-JAN, Goezeputstraat 9, Bruges,
Chirurgia plastica
17.10.2019 - 19.10.2019
CONGRESS CENTRE OUD SINT-JAN, Goezeputstraat 9, Bruges,
European association of societies of aesthetics plastic surgery
The purpose of EASAPS is to serve our member societies and European aesthetic plastic surgeons promoting the European spirit.
We collect and share relevant information on topics such as aesthetic plastic surgery training, aesthetic education, patient safety, high ethical standards, BIA-ALCL, implant registries, plastic surgeon directories, VAT, legal issues etc…
EASAPS believes in the National Societies as the foundation for every country and will work together with them.
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic Surgery is one unified specialty and on European level we intend to work closely with Euraps to represent all plastic surgeons, where it is our focus to be the representative organisation of aesthetic plastic surgeons.
ISAPS is our worldwide partner where global issues are concerned.
ATTENZIONE: Se vicino ai contributi non viene indicato in maniera chiara il titiolo e il nome del medico, molto probabilmente l'informazione in essi contenute non è stata fornita da un medico. Le informazioni contenute nelle recensioni e nelle discussioni del forum di Estheticon non possono assolutamente sostituire la consulenza individuale, l'anamnesi o la visita medica. Non possono condurre né a una diagnosi, né a una modalità di terapia da seguire.
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