Dott. Enrico Robotti
Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, BergamoChiedi al medico Altre recensioni
I had a very complicated tertiary reconstructive retinoplasty, after two very bad experiences. Especially the second surgery was an experience that affected me emotionally (depression, anxiety, lack of appetite) and physically (breathing problems, anxiety, insomnia and weight lost) for almost 2 years. I had also vascular problems due to the second surgery.
I am very happy to have contacted Dr. Robotti and taken the decision to trust his experience. He and his team were excellent people, both professionally and in their human quality and empathy, which is greatly needed when one has to go through this process.
The results have exceeded my expectations. Even the follow up they have given me, despite the distance between continents/countries (Italy - Guatemala), has been very efficient and effective. I am convinced that there is no better surgeon in this area than Dr. Enrico Robotti.
I thank God for his and his team lifes.
Regina Close
Hello Regina.
You looks great. Are you still happy with the operation? Are you breathing well?
There's an error in the cost. It should be $14660
Thanks Regina, I corrected it! Thanks also for the review!!!
I attach photos with the evolution of each surgery:
- Firt surgery
- Almost two years second surgery
- Two months after second surgery
- 31 days post surgery
Hello My Friend! It is unlikely that you are still active on this site but I wanted to tell you I am so very happy for you. I am considering Dr. Robotti for my reconstructive surgery after a terrible 1st surgery that has left me severely depressed. Are you willing to post a photo of your nose as it looks currently. I ask you because your post is helping me so much. Thank you, Gioa.
Dear Friend,
It is unlikely that you are still active on this site, but if you are I could use your help. I am so very very happy that you have gotten the nose you wanted and sorted out the problem. I am currently severely depressed because of a failed rhinoplasty. I am seeking Dr. Robotti's help. Would you be willing to attach a photo of your current nose as it looks from the front now? It would help my depression so much and help me to book my surgery with Robotti. Thank You, Gioa.
Ho effettuato l’operazione con il dottor Robotti il 27 gennaio 2020. Fin da subito si è dimostrato una persona umana, professionale e seria. Il risultato dopo due soli mesi è sopra le mie aspettative,già ora è stupendo e... Di più
Ho effettuato l’operazione di rinosettoplastica col dott. Robotti nel giugno del 2018. Il dottore si e’ dimostrato fin da subito una persona di grande professionalità, in grado di trasmesmettermi cosí tanta sicurezza da ... Di più
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