Dott. Guglielmo L. U.A. RUFOLO MD, MRM, FMH
Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica, Parma, MilanoChiedi al medico Altre recensioni
Hi! I just wanted to mention this doctor very professional, which i've been really grateful of this wonderful experience i had. He is really cool man ! i met in Stockholm city the first consultation, then even more later on in Los Angeles, San Diego, where he was so gentle visiting me and suggest best option and solve my problems. I received best surgery done, the breast is really top ! Into the same step he fixed the my crew feet's line with botox, so kind and then he sortied out best clinic service to me in Stockholm, where i've got it best surgery ever . I suppose he was very kind and competent, that's why i give you this reference, since to entrust, of course ! Actually the final result is really very good and i wish best of career at all . Have good time doctor ! Best wishes by Pamela from LA ;)
Dear Pamelaliff,
thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! In case you have some before/after pictures it will be appreciated:-)
Best regards
Such a pleasure sharing my competence with you Lady Pamela, you are welcome . Wish have great time either !
Buongiorno! Sono una cara paziente del Dott. Rufolo, provo a scrivere in quanto il dottore si presenta bene. Inoltre è " alla legge " - Specialista in Chirurgia Plastica - riconosciuto per ben 5 Pesi al Mondo. Ho letto i... Di più
Salve ! Da premettere che visito spesso questo questi siti e all'inizio non sapevo chi scegliere ma volevo fare un appunto. Sono stata recentemente operata dal Dottore Rufolo, per un un intervento di Mastoplastica additi... Di più
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