Face 2 face congress


Chirurgia plastica

  09.09.2016 - 10.09.2016

     Hôtel Martinez, 73 boulevard de la Croisette , Cannes,

Come valuti l'evento?

9. - 10. 9. Hôtel Martinez, Cannes

Face 2 face congress

The first years of a new congress are definitely the most challenging ones.

Achieving a satisfying equilibrium is driving every step, every decision we take when serving as scientific directors of Face 2 Face congress.

We do serve this event and are very proud to be given this opportunity.

It was and is a very interesting journey where we have learned a lot and were taught some interesting lessons. 

2015’s edition is our biggest success owing to your loyalty expressed through your attendance and the growing community of participants to date . 

This success is also a tribute to our Faculty Members building together an interesting program.

An interesting program is one where each one of you could benefit from their knowledge, translate it and use it in your everyday  medical practice. 

This sits at the core of Face 2 face congress.

The scientific program was echoed by the presence of major international players from the Industry. They played their part by promoting exchanges around innovation with our community.

Each year is unique and sheds a different light on future perspective for Face 2 Face. With 900 attendees, 2015 is a pivotal year for Face 2 Face.

2015 ‘s message is very clear and strengthening our confidence: 2016 will deliver this near perfect equilibrium as we now know why and how it works, what you are expecting and what you are looking for. 

Luogo dell'evento


73 boulevard de la Croisette
06400 Cannes


Valutazione del congresso

What a congress! Fantastique congrès sur la French Riviera

Dr Fabien Giausseran  |  11.10.2016
Valutazione generale
Qualità del programma
Rapporto qualità/prezzo

Le FACE2f@ce est un congrès de qualité, sur deux jours. Le contenu scientifique est de qualité. Les échanges entre médecins sont très intéressants, et les live demo sont extrêmement didactiques. La live demo session se déroule sur une journée complète et permet de faire le tour de toutes les techniques. Je ne peux que vivement conseiller aux médecins de France, d'Europe et du Monde entier de se donner rendez-vous à Cannes pour l'édition 2017.Di più 

Partecipazioni confermate
Dr Fabien Giausseran

Sito web dell'organizzatore
Lingue ufficiali dell'evento
  • English
  • Francais
  • Chirurgia plastica
Appoggiato da:
  • ECAM - European College of Aesthetic Medicine