AMWC 17th Aesthetic & Anti-aging medicine world congress
Chirurgia plastica
03.04.2019 - 06.04.2019
Grimaldi Forum Monaco, 10 Av. Princesse Grace, Monte Carlo,
Chirurgia plastica
03.04.2019 - 06.04.2019
Grimaldi Forum Monaco, 10 Av. Princesse Grace, Monte Carlo,
Under the scientific supervision of the World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine (WOSIAM)
The conference will feature a highly interactive, stimulating and multidisciplinary program and will provide the ideal forum to stimulate ideas, educate, share expertise, initiate intense discussions and extend networking opportunities.
Many distinguished physicians, medical experts and scientists have joined the faculty and will take part in this congress.
Every year, this highly awaited event attracts over 10 000 participants coming from more than 120 countries. Over 300 leading international companies, showcasing on the 5-floor exhibition area, will be there to let you discover their latest products, technologies and services.
ATTENZIONE: Se vicino ai contributi non viene indicato in maniera chiara il titiolo e il nome del medico, molto probabilmente l'informazione in essi contenute non è stata fornita da un medico. Le informazioni contenute nelle recensioni e nelle discussioni del forum di Estheticon non possono assolutamente sostituire la consulenza individuale, l'anamnesi o la visita medica. Non possono condurre né a una diagnosi, né a una modalità di terapia da seguire.
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