Aesthetic professionals, image is THE key to our profession.
Aesthetic professionals, image is THE key to our profession.
Dr Emmanuel Elard
Our patients and our confreres expect nothing but high quality artworks of our interventions – and let’s be honest, 3D simulations can sometimes be disappointing, if not scary.
What could be better than showing the real results we have obtained with other patients?
What better than providing perfectly comparable before and after visuals that enable static and dynamic analysis?
What could possibly be expected more than focusing on our patients instead of struggling with the right exposure, the white balance, the temperature variation, the patient positioning during the photo shoot?
The Doctor Emmanuel Elard, Aesthetic Doctor in Paris, has gathered a talented team to create Next Motion, a simple and complete solution to answer all these needs and more.
Next Motion is based on 2 main elements:
A motorized engine on which an iPhone, an iPad Pro or a Camera can be put to realize a video traveling around the patient
A powerful iPhone / iPad Pro & Windows application that will enable you to realize in 1 single minute before and after videos that are perfectly comparable and that you can merge, edit, and customize with your business card and then share with your patients in a few clicks. And of course, a powerful Patient Management System lets you handle all your Patients files on your smartphone or your tablet.
Dr Elard’s ambition is to provide to all its confreres an evolutive tool, easy to use and adapted to your daily needs so you can do what you do the best – take care of your patients.
And to top it all off, coming from Estheticon you have a 500€ special discount by entering the code ESTHETICON2016 during the pre-order!
Want to know more? Come to visit us on, follow us on Facebook or contact us – we would love to hear from you!
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